Meet Willie

Meet Willie

Red Mini Austrailian Sheaphard - Sitting up Smiling

Willie, a mini Australian Shepherd, found his way into our lives through the luck of dog-sitting.

As the owner of a thriving dog-sitting business, we had the pleasure of hosting Willie and his two siblings. We treated them like our own, capturing their playful moments in countless photos to send back to their hoomans. 

​Shortly after their stay, Willie's mom approached us with a heavy heart, seeking a better home for Willie. His dog brother didn't accept him, making life difficult for Willie. They tried everything they could, and after a year and a half, they decided Willie deserved a better home. True love.

After a weekend of bonding with us, we couldn't resist the charm of Willie. He seamlessly became a part of our family. Willie's compatibility with our guest pups and remarkable friendship with our late Emma showcased his laid-back personality and adaptability.

Willie is our resident "floor surfer," quietly waiting for any moral of food to be dropped. He loves all things cool, fans & AC; if there's a cool breeze, he will find it. Willie is a high velcro pup when it comes to his momma. He loves watching football with his dad -- comfy sofa, AC, and possible snacks. 

​Willie reminds us that love transcends all circumstances, and we are grateful to have him as a cherished member of our family.

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