Meet Lucy

Meet Lucy

Lucy Lou arrived in our lives like a whirlwind, filling the void that followed the loss of our beloved Emma. Our resident pup, Willie, is the quiet, laid-back type, and the silence in our home felt heavy after Emma's departure. Determined to bring some joy back into our lives, we embarked on a search for a new furry companion.

Amidst the tail end of the pandemic, with in-person rescue events still scarce, we scoured online resources until we stumbled upon a rescue hosting an in-person event. The event featured a group of fur babies from St. Croix who had weathered a hurricane, just like our Lucy.

Arriving at the event four hours early, we were seventh in line, eager to meet these adorable pups. It didn't take long for Lucy to capture our hearts. Quiet in her crate, she carried an air of calmness despite some lingering skin issues and initial reserve.

But soon enough, Lucy blossomed into the hilarious, adventurous, and always-inquisitive pup we now adore. She shares our love for the outdoors and gardening like our late sweet Emma. Lucy's a skilled hunter, always on the lookout for lizards, frogs, and snakes - if it moves, she's on the case!

Her striking presence draws compliments wherever we go, and she's our dedicated morning walk motivator, ensuring each day begins with a dash of excitement and a lot of love.

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