Meet Dixie

Meet Dixie

It all started with a simple "I can do it" comment; out of 40 comments and 62 shares, they picked us! That's how our darling Dixie came into our lives. When we decided to foster her, we weren't sure if we would be chosen, but fate had its own plan. Saying "yes" to keeping her permanently took a month, but it was one of the best decisions we've ever made.

Dixie quickly became inseparable from our family, forming an unbreakable bond with her best sister, Lucy. They're always in cahoots, playing and spreading joy wherever they go. Willie's included, too -- as long as it's in the AC!

As we delved into the challenges of her incontinence, reviewed vet records, and had candid conversations, we discovered that Dixie has Hemivertebrae. This condition caused both urinary and fecal incontinence, requiring permanent diapering.

Dixie's journey was the “push” we needed to start Wags and Petals. Her story embodies the importance of adoption, fostering, and raising awareness about over-breeding issues. We may be a family of "mismatched" pups, but adversity brought us together, and love holds us close.

Dixie's lifelong need for diapers reminds us daily of the power of love and resilience, and she continues to inspire us to make a difference in the lives of animals in need.

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